Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer Re-Cap: BLACK BUTTE!!

Oregon Vacation with the Cunninghams and Swens!
first day OR
We made the 12 hour drive with three naps, only TWO stops, and one bloody wipe out.
vest walks OR
We bundled up and walked. Bundled up in June? Sigh.
walk scenery OR gangs all here OR
After a day or two of figuring out coffee drinking and breakfasts on the deck, we got our acts together and went adventuring. We had an extensive Ranch to-do list to check off after all...
feed shark OR
Fish Hatchery!
"I feed shark. Rrrrar."
kick back OR
Power walks!
We need "a nack, a nack!"
friends on walks ORfriends and bennett OR
Matchy matchy sweatshirts. Re-living 14 years ago. Sister wives.
I have the bestest friends. 
Thank you, Cunninghams.
Thank you, Black Butte.
vacation boys OR
These boys loved vacation.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Almost Twooooo

Dear Graham,
In two days you'll be two.
I can't believe it. It doesn't even seem possible.
You keep telling people you're "omost threeee".
Slow down there, Mr.

I'm soaking up this last day of my one year old.
My one year old who...

...told me "Mom, hit with driver".
...can fill in the words of "Splish Splash", "Ball Game", and "Come thou Fount".
...cheers when he sees "Big Jaff", makes a putt, or gets to watch Dinosaur Train. 
...says sorry about evvverything. (I wonder where he gets that?)
...asks to pray for Bennett or Mickey Mouse nightly. 

You are a precious soul, Graham. So smart, so silly, so darling.

Almost 2, but not yet...