Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekend Haps.

Weekend at hoooooooome!!
And the first weekend that if felt like 
Fall may finally be upon us.
Windows open, cool breeze, no sweat...
Sigh, I think I forget what it feels like every year.
Welcome back 70 degrees...
Saturday morning we were trash picker-uppers 
at Independence High School.
My trash bag got cut off so it looks like I'm flexing.
We allotted different point values to 
certain pieces of trash...

Kyle won in points. 
(He found the "big" winner.)
I won in weight. 
Graham won in charm.

I'm sure comparing is frowned upon 
when you are serving but oh well. 
We had fun.
Later we had a lunch outing at In-n-Out...
and I fell in love with my boys a little bit more.
One, or both of my boys, needed a hair cut.
1.Graham wants to play outside ALL the time now.
2. We have zero outside toys except a plastic pool. 
(which can offer some fun learning how to pretend moments)
3. We don't really have room in our budget to load up the backyard.

Spying a box with the words FREE 
written on it in our neighborhood, 
and glancing quickly enough to see 
a bulldozer arm emerge!!
Thank you generous neighbors!!! Free trucks!!!
Oh also, Kyle thought he'd give the 
free screen door a shot, too.
Objects on curb are larger then they appear.
A ill-fitting diaper combined with a poop 
resulted in an impromptu nakey pool time. 
We love when the Swens come over...
Graham is so drawn to them.
Thanks for being our spontaneous pals.
And for staying late, conversing, 
laughing, and being weird with us...
So delightful.
Look at these handsome guys.
I love you, you snicky baby, you...
You are becoming such a big boy...
And I treasure each day.

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