I'm almost caught up! This was last weekend!!
Good thing it's Spring Break...
On Friday afternoon, we played with our toys and waited for Aunt Jill to come see us!
Graham, the 7 1/2 month boy, learned a new trick.
He loves to be up on his "husky" legs. It's his favorite.
He can't climb up by himself yet. Fewf.
Someone rolled over during nap time. Ha.
He cried a bit but then tiredness took over.
Face first it is.
A full house of boys meant Saturday breakfast
and snuggles with mom in bed.
Oh, and yes, I DO realize that these moments go by quickly and I DO pause and thank the Lord for such a precious boy
and our sweet moments.
And we found time for a fake cough or two...Silly Billy.
And then things got serious. TVs were turned into big screen computers, conference calls were made, everyone grabbed lists and highlighters, personal computers...
Also making an appearance:
breakfast, goody bags, mimosas, and an occasional morning brew.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
1st annual: Fantasy Baseball Draft
Grahamster joined and helped Dad make some picks.
Sporting his jammies and his new "straight across grin".
Cute as all get out.
Kyle and I's day picked up quickly.
The Nathan and Mallory Kennedy wedding...
Followed by a hospital visit to meet Mini Scoop!
We are instantly in love with CJP...
and definitely didn't remember Graham being so tiny...
Oh my. She's beautiful. Congratulations Cousin and Scoop!
We took full advantage of having babysitters at home...
(See picture below. Thank you Zach and Andy)
We celebrated Kyle's birthday a week early.
1- It's on Easter. 2- We'll be in Arizona.
Kyle's been wanting to go to KC's Steak House for a while...
I scarfed mine down. It was a little embarrassing.
They took my plate waaay before Kyle's...
Happy early birthday my love...
GTU was in great hands...
Good job holding still, Grahamer.
On Sunday we went to church and then later we met the littlealixfam for dessert at Dewars Ice Cream Parlor!
We have so missed seeing our friends! It was so nice to sit and chit chat about baby life. And with these two friends only days apart, their mannerisms almost mirror each other!
A & G...
Graham was getting jealous of baby girl's banana's...
So we ate our ice cream, got out G's squash,
and everybody was good to go!
After a late evening hanging out at the "Pastor's Coffee", Graham was thrilled to be able to fall asleep and wake up in his church clothes... So cheerful in the mornings...
Sigh. A blessed weekend. A blessed life.