Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Potty Training. Check!

Welp, we read some articles, talked to some peeps, and knew you were smarter then the average bear. So we picked a string of days that we could camp out at home, bought treats and juice, prayed for patience, and mom left for work. 
No, but seriously, your dad is amazing. More then amazing.
The day began with a boy trip to Target for a super duper Cars toilet 
and some Planes underwear!
Let it be known that we have never seen Planes so we have been faking knowing the characters for a couple weeks now. Thank you Disney for printing the names on every pair.
Sure there were accidents. But I think only two the first day!
And you woke up dry! Every time.
We would make a huge deal and celebrate every time and you would say 
"I'm so proud of you, mom!" Adorable. Sweetest heart.
This view kills me. Such a big boy.
Peace out, Diaper Town.
Oh and PS, after 3 days of underwear we road tripped to Arizona and Graham rocked it with no diapers. Especially with numero dos. No turning back.
Quote of the week: "I WANT. to PEE. on a CACTUS." 

No turning back.
Alright Bennett, you're next.


  1. Ok, graham is such a big boy. In his little undies! So cute! I'm so glad it went so well for you! We are trying to train the puppy right now, and it makes me so scared for training Lyra girl! I guess I have a bit of time... But for real, Graham, lets slow down on the growing up, k?

  2. I am super happy that G is potty trained, yet at the same time, it is a reminder of how dang fast he is growing up. Wasn't he just born? :)
    Also, I concur. Kyle is an amazing dad, and Meghan is an amazing mom. No wonder these kids are so amazing. I love you ALL!
    Graham told me yesterday when he was on the toilet " my dad doesn't wear diapers anymore. He wears big boy underwear, yike me. "

  3. I want to pee on a cactus?!?

    his quotes seriously kill me. jay and i still say, "i feed shaaark." to each other for no other reason than it make us laugh. what a guy.
