Thursday, May 8, 2014

Remember this.

Spring 14

Stop with all the cuteness.
Children's museum in San Luis. Incredible.
Spring 14
Graham and Paul Pastusak studying the course.
Spring 14Spring 14
I've never known a 2 year old so obsessed with golf. 
So we met Kyle on the 7th hole.
Spring 14
I've never seen him so happy in my whole life. He was spilling with joy. I mean, have you EVER seen him smile for the camera like this?
Spring 14Spring 14Spring 14
aaaaaaand then he told me he'll just wait in the stroller until they get to the 15th hole.
I mean, obsessed. 
Spring 14
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! 
Spring 14
Madness arrived. Kyle had Graham actually make choices for his bracket.
He gave him grief for choosing Steven F. Austin.
But guess who made it to Sweet 16?? Boom.
Spring 14Spring 14
Friday morning cousin time with "Stink" the trash truck.
Spring 14
Skipping morning naps is hard...
Morning doughnut surprises are one of our favorite things lately.
He'd never want you to know, but the best guy ever is 29 today.... Happy birthday, KCU.
Happy 29th Birthday, Kyle Chandler.
Bennett: Eye on the prize.
Tootsie Pops and rows and rows of ovens and sofas. Must be visiting Pearsey's Rentals. And my memory bank.
A visit to Grandpa Sock's store means lollypops and endless home furnishings.
Happiness is when your  French neighbors give you a waffle cone FILLED with giant marshmallows.
Spring 14
Grandma Carolyn's birthday wish: a family bike ride. 
And buckling these boys in as close as we can get them.
Opening day!
Let's go Dooooooodgers!
Bennett can say "Da-ya" now!
And "Gaaaaaa" for "game" in the baseball song!
But let's be real. His first love is still "ba-ka-bol".
Everytime we go to Target Graham asks to go to the baseball stuff. 
So we go. Because who doesn't want to help their kid love Target runs?
G finally likes his covers. And naps. 
And I love these little feet. And I wonder where they will take him.
Remember this: "Mom, would you like to share some blanket with me?"
Yes. Every time yes.


  1. Ok, for real, I can't wait any longer. You must bring that grown up boy over for a pool party as soon as its warm! He's getting too big, and too cute, and too funny to wait any longer! I will miss it! I love that picture of you three at the golf course; what is up with that love of golf?? Too funny. And Bennett is adorbs as well :)

  2. Great catch-up post! Phew...that's a lot of cute, adorable days and events packed into one post! :) I love it. I confess, I have never seen that foot picture of Grahams.. I really love it....your boys... :)
