In case you were wondering what this kid is all about:
Favorite color: "Orange and pink."
Favorite thing to do: "Everything!"
Favorite food: "cold milk" Wow. Shock me shock me shock me. Graham's wanted his milk warmed ever since I warmed it ONE time in the winter when he was one. But when he's four this stops. So the 4 year old's favorite food is COLD milk. Big smile.
Favorite movie: Toy Story 1 and Toy Story 3
Best Friend: "You! And Bennett, and Dad, and Nolan, and Charley...all my favorite friends!"
Favorite animal: "A tiger!"
Favorite treat: "All the kids of candy... even the kind you have CHOCOLATE!"
Favorite sport: "Baseball...Kershawt is my favorite pitcher and Kirk Gibson, too!"
When you grow up you want to be: "A football player and a baseball player."
Favorite book: "All of the ones we have!"
"Hey how bout my music? 2 Dodger songs and golf song!"
"Now yet's write about the 5's. Yet's write about wiping. It will be my favorite thing to do when I'm 4!" Fewf. Thanks for sharing.
Love love love love.